Township Function

Monroe Township and all other Ohio Townships are a political subdivision of the State of Ohio. As such, Townships have only those powers granted to it byt the State Legislature and perform functions defined by the State of Ohio. To keep pace with the demands of changing times, the functions, duties and oblications of the township have changed over the years. Demands for increased or different services have prompted the state legislature to grant Ohio’s 1,309 townships the authority to fulfill many of the changing demands.

Map of Richland County Ohio With Municipal and Township Labels

Township Administration in all Ohio Townships are governed by three trustees and a fiscal officer, each elected for a four-year term. Officially, they fill their offices on a part-time basis, but they are always ready to meet their responsibilities and put in many hours of work to server their constituents. Their accessibility to the township residents and their intimate knowledge of their community, it’s needs, and it’s citizens enables them to offer more personal service than any other unit of the government.

As of February 2016, the Monroe Township Board of Trustees meets regularly on the First and Third Monday of each month to conduct Township Government business. All Special Meetings are Advertised. There are Public Comment sections listed in each meeting agenda and the public is welcome to Address the Board at Meetings during that time.

According to the 2,000 census, Monroe Township has a population of 2,656 persons living in the township, 2.036 of whom lived in the unincorporated portions.

The majority priority for the Monroe Township Trustees and their staff is to provide needed services while maintaining the quality of life that the township residents have come to enjoy.