
Fire Chief: John Grimes
Bureau Captain:
Brad Fisher
Nick Hammett
JorJana Fisher
Jesse Rall
Shelby Moffett
Wyatt Dupre
Michael Duncan
Jason Littleton
Seth Cooper
Amanda Eldridge
Morgan young
Keaton Griffith
Patrick Ryan
Austin Young
Jennifer Grimes
Members Needed
ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE! HELP YOUR COMMUNITY! ENJOY THE CAMARADERIE! The fire department is in need of volunteer members to add to our ranks. If you are 18 years of age with a high school diploma or GED, with a clean driving record, no criminal history, and have a desire to server your community, we are accepting applications. Volunteer firefighters are provided State of Ohio Certification training as well as ongoing training. This is a perfect opportunity to gain entry-level experience toward a career in the fire service or to simply help your neighbors and community. Volunteer firefighters get a per-call reimbursement annually to help offset the costs of fuel, etc., of responding to calls. We also supply all personal protective equipment and certain uniform items. We strive to update our procedures and training to meet the current fire service standards and to provide a good working, learning and family environment. If you have the desire and think you have what it takes, we look forward to your application. To apply: Call the firehouse at (419) 892-2020 or Chief Grimes at (419) 612-2215 (or) Feel free to stop by the firehouse during any of our regularly scheduled training sessions which are held every first and third Thursday evening at 7:00 PM (Except Holidays) |